Thursday, August 2, 2007

Review: Hunter's Moon

Title: Hunter's Moon
Authors: C.T. Adams and Cathy Clamp
Publisher: Tor
Original Date of Publication: 2004
Genre/Sub-genre: Paranormal Romance
Part of a Series? Yes, the A Tale of the Sazi series

This book has a great hero and possibly the weakest, most irritating heroine I've ever encountered. He's a hitman and she hires him to kill her at the beginning of the novel -- she can't even do that herself. The rest of the novel is a chronicle of her complete dependency on him. He helps her become more detached from her cruel and manipulative family, he gets her a psychiatrist, he fixes her security system, he finds her friends, rescues her from kidnappers and actually lives for her, actually breathes and makes her heart function for her, near the end of the novel. And then he marries her, thereby ensuring that she'll continue to cling to him for the rest of her life. At the beginning of the novel she is a multi-millionaire, but she did not earn this money -- she won the lottery. At the end of the novel everyone thinks she's dead and she loses the money, so when she becomes married to Tony (the hero) her financial independence (the only form she had) is gone as well. She says herself that the only reason she can think of living is for him. At no point does she think for herself or act for herself in the whole fucking 328 pages. All she does is whine and cling to Tony.

If you can stomach all that, Tony is a good character, and it's interesting to read a romance novel written entirely from the male perspective. However, as the only selling point for the novel, it's a bit weak -- as good as he is, it's hard to respect him, because he loves a complete moron.

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