Friday, February 1, 2008

Review: The Wild Hunt

Title: The Wild Hunt
Author: Jill Tattersall
Publisher: William Morrow & Company, Inc.
Original Date of Copyright: 1974
Genre/Sub-genre: Gothic Romance
Part of a Series? No

I thought this book would, as my fourth gothic romance in a row, blend with the others into obscurity, but I was pleased to find that it stands out among those of its genre. The characters were clever and amusing, the heroine especially, and the hero was as dark, satanic, and attractive as I could hope. The witchcraft makes the plot a little different and intriguing, and the Wild Hunt is very cool. The romance is great, not explicit but there are some small but satisfying hints of sex at the end and some great UST moments scattered throughout. This book is one of the best gothics I've read so far.

(I couldn't find a picture of the cover and the book is in a library up north, so you'll have to use your imagination on this one).

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